Sports Card Autograph Grading

The perennial debate of whether to grade an autograph on a sports card never seems to fade away. I often encounter this discussion online and find myself questioning why it’s such a hot topic. Curious, I engaged in a debate with individuals who firmly advocate for grading all autographs.

Their arguments, however, lacked substantial reasoning beyond the notion that “having two 10s on a card looks appealing and somewhat boosts its value.” When I probed further and asked about the impact on value if the card received a 10 while the autograph got a 9, silence prevailed.

My Unique Perspective

Personally, I fail to see the rationale behind risking an already elusive high-grade status on premium cards. For me, a 10 on an autograph grade adds negligible value or significance to my decision-making when purchasing a card. Conversely, if it were graded a 9, I’d promptly reject it or return it for reevaluation without the autograph grade.

This viewpoint is purely my own, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the presence of an autograph itself.

Some individuals prefer sending their cards to SGC because of its practice of grading the autograph first. However, this often misleads people into presuming the card is a perfect 10 at first glance, especially if they aren’t familiar with the intricacies of grading systems. I find this practice distasteful.

The grading process already encompasses numerous variables, including the subjective nature of human judgment. Even a grader having a bad day might inadvertently impact the assessment of a genuinely good card.

In conclusion, follow your inclinations, but be mindful that grading an autograph might not always increase its value; in fact, it could potentially diminish it if the outcome doesn’t align with expectations.